Is Salvia Dangerous? Its Uses, Side Effects, And Dangers of Overdose


Salvia’s legality depends on the individual state laws but there is no federal law to control its sale and purchase in the U.S.A.

What Is Salvia?

Salvia, also known as Salvia divinorum, is an herb in the mint family, which has hallucinogenic properties. Salvinorin A is the active component in salvia that targets opioid receptors in the specific nerve cells to produce short-lived, but intense hallucinogenic effects. These receptors are responsible for controlling your consciousness, memory, movement, pain and mood.

How Is Salvia Used?

Salvia can be ingested in different ways. You may either dry its leaves and smoke or brew it into tea. For better recreational effects, you can chew the fresh leaves. Salvia can also be extracted into a liquid to infuse it in drinks or inhale it via vaporization. Its extracts are also used to make sublingual products. Typically, the hallucination effects of the salvia can last up to an hour.

What Are The Side Effects Of Salvia?

Salvia’s effects on your body and mind can range from mild to intense. They may be frightening and hence you must define overdose for your body to avoid serious health risks like dysphoria. Detox to Rehab has many true stories of overdose and substance withdrawal to inspire you to overcome your addiction. They have a free helpline to help you find the best treatment and rehab facilities in the U.S.A.

Some of the common side effects of using salvia include –

  1. Hallucination
  2. Visual disturbances
  3. Uncontrolled laughter
  4. Mood and emotional swings
  5. Dizziness and slurred speech
  6. Lack of coordination and distorted sleep cycle
  7. Amnesia

How Is Salvia Dangerous?

Even tiny amounts of salvinorin A can affect your central nervous system to cause disturbed brain and body functions. It can lead to cause fear, panic, impaired judgment, and distorted cognitive functions in its users. Salvia abuse can potentially cause psychological and physical dependence which may result in unsafe driving, severe accidental injuries, and other seizure disorders.

An overdose of salvia may trigger high-intensity hallucinogenic and psychedelic effects, which could lead you to emergency hospitalization. It is also known to cause dangerous mental illness like depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.